Sunday, June 25, 2006

baseball glove : Red Sox Greats

It's no wonder the Boston Red Sox wear red and white. While red symbolizes passion and excitement and white symbolizes the "good guy" who wins in the end as well as angels, it's the Red Sox greats such as Ted Williams and Carl Yastrzemski that make us believe there really are "angels in the outfield." The true pride American League baseball is represented by some of the best players in the nation.The history of baseball changed with the added excellence of Carlton Fisk,
Wade Boggs, Cy Young, Luis Aparicio, Dennis Eckersley, Roger Clemens,
Fred Lynn, Nomar Garciaparra, and Pedro Martinez. Even a die-hard Yankees
fan like me must admit the extraordinary accomplishments of some of the
finest players to have ever dug their cleats into Fenway Park¡¯s turf. Let¡¯s take a
closer look into the historical realm of the greatest players to wear the official
jersey of blood, sweat, and tears. It is necessary to pay homage to one of the
best teams in American baseball.

First up is not only quite possibly the best hitter in baseball history, but also a
remarkable U.S. Marine and fisherman, is Ted Williams, left fielder. This
retired number 9 jersey wearing power hitter was nicknamed "The Splendid
Splinter," "The Kid," "Teddy Ballgame" and "The Thumper." Since 1930, no
one could hit .400 until 1941 when Williams first did. Now, no slugger yet has
been able to hit over .400 again since Williams. Missing four seasons due to
his U.S. Marine commitment, Williams¡¯ batting average probably would have
been even higher. The 521 home run hitter wrote six books about fishing and
baseball, one named, The Science of Hitting; appropriately titled since
Williams believed in practicing the art of batting.

by H.A.Brempell

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