Thursday, August 03, 2006

baseball glove : The 411 on Nike Baseball Gloves

Nike baseball gloves are just the latest product put out by the sporting goods and clothing giant. Nike has long been known for its sneakers, its specialty sport cleats, it workout gear, its hats, and its sports equipment. Only recently, however, Nike has endeavored to apply its unique take on sports to the world of baseball gloves.

The result is a bat that in recent years has gained in reputation and popularity. Their gloves comes in two different styles, Pro Gold and SDR. Pro Gold is the higher end product, which sells for usually over one hundred dollars. SDR gloves, on the other hand, price in the range of 60 to 100 dollars.

Both Nike baseball gloves come with special features like the "dri-fit" finger lining. This unique lining is meant to keep your hand cool and dry no matter how hard you run to catch that fly ball, or how many times the batters smack a grounder your way at shortstop. Another feature on both models of gloves is the special tanning process that Nike implements. Nike claims the tanning process makes their gloves ready to be used on the field right off the shelf or out of the shipping package. In other words, you don’t have to worry about long breaking in processes with these gloves.

Still, if you’re investing good money on these good gloves, you will want to take care of them. Caring for your Nike baseball gloves properly can make the difference between a glove that falls apart in a couple seasons, and one that can span years. Your first best bet on care instructions is to check with Nike to see exactly what they recommend to protect the special tanned leather and finger lining.

One thing you definitely can do for your glove is to store it in a cool, dry place when you’re not using it. Heat can affect the leather, as can excess moisture. This makes the trunk of your car the last place you should toss your glove after the game. First, dry it down with a towel and let it air dry somewhere. Consider oiling your glove a couple times each season. Make sure the laces are tight. And then save the glove somewhere dry and cool like your basement.

by Mike Long

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